The efficiency of a square threaded screw is maximum if the helix angle is equal to
(Where $$\varphi $$ = Angle of friction)

If a shaft made from ductile material is subjected to combined bending and twisting moment, calculations based on which one of the following failure theories will give the most conservative value?

A long helical spring having a spring stiffness of 12 kN/m and number of turns 20, breaks into two parts with number of turns 10 each in both the parts. If the two parts are connected in series, then the softness of the resultant spring will be

In a band and block brake, the ratio of tensions on the tight and slack sides of band is given by (where $$\mu $$ = Coefficient of friction between the blocks and the drum, $$\theta $$ = Semi-angle of each block subtending at the centre of drum and n = Number of blocks)

Slenderness ratio is the ratio of

The contact ratio is the ratio of

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