Two solid shafts 'A' and 'B' are made of the same material. The shaft 'A' is of 50 mm diameter and shaft 'B' is of 100 mm diameter. The strength of shaft 'B' is _________ as that of shaft A.

For no tension condition in the base of a short column of circular section, the line of action of the load should be within a circle of diameter equal to __________ of the main circle.

The volumetric strain is the ratio of the

The extension of a circular bar tapering uniformly from diameter $${{\text{d}}_1}$$ at one end to diameter $${{\text{d}}_2}$$ at the other end and subjected to an axial pull of P is _________ the extension of a circular bar of diameter $$\sqrt {{{\text{d}}_1}{{\text{d}}_2}} $$  subjected to the same load P.

In the below figure, the stress corresponding to point ‘D’ is
Strength of Materials mcq question image

Two closely coiled helical springs 'A' and 'B' are equal in all respects but the number of turns of spring 'A' is half that of spring 'B'. The ratio of deflections in spring 'A' to spring 'B' is

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