The strain energy stored in a solid circular shaft subjected to shear stress ($$\tau $$), is:
(Where, G = Modulus of rigidity for the shaft material)

The strain energy stored in a solid circular shaft in torsion, subjected to shear stress ($$\tau $$), is:
(Where, G = Modulus of rigidity for the shaft material)

The maximum deflection of a fixed beam of length '$$l$$' carrying a total load 'W' uniformly distributed over the whole length is

Two beams, one of circular cross-section and the other of square cross-section, have equal areas of cross-sections. When these beams are subjected to bending,

In a belt drive, the pulley diameter is doubled, the belt tension and pulley width remaining same. The changes required in key will be

In a tensile test, when the material is stressed beyond elastic limit, the tensile strain __________ as compared to the stress.

For a beam, as shown in the below figure, the maximum deflection lies at
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