If the controlling force line for a spring controlled governor when produced intersects the Y-axis at the origin, then the governor is said to be

A single degree of freedom system is given by, $$m \times \frac{{{d^2}x}}{{d{t^2}}} + c \times \frac{{dx}}{{dt}} + sx = F\cos \omega t$$       with usual notations. It represents

When the body is suspended at the point of suspension, its periodic time and frequency will be ________ as compared to the body suspended at the point of percussion.

Length of arc of contact is given by

In a band and block brake, the ratio of tensions on tight side and slack side of the band is (where $$\mu $$ = Coefficient of friction between the blocks and the drum, $$\theta $$ = Semi-angle of each block subtending at the center of drum and n = Number of blocks)

The natural frequency of free transverse vibrations due to a point load acting over a simply supported shaft is equal to (where $$\delta $$ = Static deflection of a simply supported shaft due to the point load)

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