Which of the following is true for metals?

In a powder diffraction photograph of copper (fcc structure with a lattice parameter of 0.3608 nm) taken with a cu-ka radiation (? = 0.154 nm), the Bragg angle for the first line is

The lowest angle reflection in a powder diffraction experiment or an fcc metal using Cu-Ka radiation (y = 1.54°A) occured at an angle of 19°30'. The lattice parameter of the metal is . . . . . . . . °A.

Match the phenomenon with their specific effects on X-ray diffraction patterns
P. Macroscopic residual stress 1. Additional diffraction lines
Q. Microscopic residual stress 2. X-ray line shift
R. Ordering reaction 3. Debye rings of non-uniform intensity
S. Preferred orientation 4. X-ray line broadening

The largest size of immobilised segment of dislocation in a Frank Read (FR) source contained in a polycrystalline material is of the order of grain size. In a metal of 10 μm grain size, the shear stress required to operate such a FR source is 100 MPa. If the grain size in the same metal is reduced to 10 μm, the shear stress required to operate such FR source would be . . . . . . . . MPa.

The outer electron configurations of CO, Fe and Ni atoms are-respectively 3d74s2, and 3d2, 3d84s2. Which of the following ions has the potential to produce the highest magnetic moments?

Silicon is doped with arsenic (concentration 1020 atoms.m-3). At room temperature, the electron and hole mobilities in Si are 0.14 m2.v-1.s-1 and 0.05 m2v-1.s-1 respectively. The conductivity in (?m)-1, at room temperature for Si doped with As is

At equilibrium spacing in a crystalline solid, which of the following is true for net interatomic force (F) and potential energy (U)?