Computational methods of stress analysis fall into two distinct categories - one of them is intregral, what is the other?

What do you mean by effective stress?

In freshly exposed roof area of developing working, which of the following support should be preferably used?

What will be safe cover i.e. the tolerance limit for extraction of coal pillars with caving where railway line is on the surface? T is the seam thickness in meter

A series of tri-axial compression tests conducted on sandstone samples reveal the following relationship between major and minor principal stresses σ1 = 50 + 30σ3 [stresses are in MPa)
The cohesion in MPa and angle of internal friction in degrees of sandstone respectively are

A tension crack of 5 m depth behind a rock slope crest is completely filled with water. What is the horizontal force exerted on a unit slope length by the water in the tension crack?

"A crack will extend only when the total potential energy of the system of applied forces and material decreases or remain constant with an increase in crack length" - Who has given this concept?