You are working with a network that has the network ID and contains 73 networks. In the next year, you will be adding an additional 27 branch offices to your company. For simplified management, you want to keep the most possible hosts per subnet. Which subnet mask should you management, you want to keep the most possible hosts per subnet. Which subnet mask should you use?

A group of 2m - 1 routers are interconnected in a centralized binary tree, with router at each tree node. Router I communicate with router J by sending a message to the root of the tree. The root then sends the message back down to J. Then find the mean router-router path length.

Most networks are connected to other local area or wide area networks. Select the best fit for answer:

You are working with a network that is and would like to support 600 hosts per subnet. What subnet mask should you use?

A 6-MHz channel is used by a digital signaling system utilizing 4-level signals. What is the maximum possible transmission rate?

Error detecting code is

You have purchased a MAU (Multistation Access Unit) from your computer supplier and now must decide what type of network card you should install in the workstations. Which of the following would be the most appropriate?

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