If A and B is causally related, then which among the following is not the necessary and sufficient condition of A becoming the cause of B according to Hume.
1. A be precedent and contiguous to B
2. Events resembling A be precedent and contiguous to events resembling B
3. The idea of A be followed by the idea of B
4. The idea of A be associated with the idea of B
5. B must be present in A

Which one of the following groups, correctly depicts Hume's conception of relations dependent on ideas alone?

Match the following:
List-I (Philosophers) List-II (Books)
a. Locke 1. Three Dialogues
b. Aristotle 2. Essay concerning Human Understanding
c. Descartes 3. Categories
d. Berkeley 4. Meditations

Which one is correct with regard to John Locke philosophy?
1. Primary qualities are sensible qualities that depends on their perceiver.
2. Primary qualities are colour, sound, taste and texture.
3. Secondary qualities are those whose existence is independent of any perceiver.
4. Primary qualities are objective properties of things whereas secondary qualities are subjective properties.

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