Select the correct option with reference to Spinoza.
1. Nature as a self-creating reality is known as Natura Naturans.
2. Nature as a self-creating reality is known as Natura Naturata.
3. In its aspect of a creative product, Nature is known as Natura Naturata.
4. In its Static aspect, Nature is known as Natura Naturans.

"Self-identity does not belong to various perceptions by uniting them together, rather it is merely a quality which we attribute to these perceptions because of the union of their ideas in the imagination." Is the view of which one of the following philosophers?

Consider the following statements in the light of the philosophy of Locke and mark the correct option:
1. Primary qualities are sensible qualities that depend on the perceiver.
2. Primary qualities are colour, sound, taste and texture.
3. Secondary qualities are those whose existence is independent of any perceiver.
4. Primary qualities are objective properties of things whereas secondary qualities are subjective properties.

Consider the Assertion (A) and Reason (R) and select the correct option given below.
Assertion (A) Monads have no windows.
Reason (R) I. Nothing is passed to them from outside.
II. Each of their state is generated from their own nature.
III. Monads do not interact.

Match the following:
List-I List-II
a. Ross 1. Prolegomena to ethics
b. Moore 2. Foundations of ethics
c. Kant 3. Ethics
d. Green 4. Metaphysics of morals

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