If the middle term is not distributed in any of the premises, then the syllogism becomes invalid and has the falllacy of

Match the following:
List-I List-II
a. Two or more meanings of a word or phrase are used accidently or deliberately. 1. Fallacy of division
b. When the words are same but the lnterpretation of them are different in premise and conclusion. 2. Fallacy of composition
c. Premise where arguer assumers that whole is sum total of its parts. 3. Fallacy of equivocation
d. An argument where things are erroneously assign attributes to parts of a whole. 4. Fallacy of Amphiboly

Sometimes in an argument we use more terms than middle, major and minor and due to this argument, fails to prove it's validity. The fallacy in such a case will be

Propositional logic is referred as
1. statements logic.
2. proposition which join entire proposition.
3. argument logic.
4. proposition does not join entire proposition.
Select the correct answer:

Given that p is true, both q and r are false, what can you tell about the truth value of ∼ [ p ≡ (q ⊃ r)] ⊃ ∼ [r ≡ (p ⊃ q)]?

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