What is the correct defination of anti-representationalism?

What is the basic tenent of representationalism?

Which statement is true in the light of pragmatism?
1. Both William James and CS Pierce agree completely on the method of pragmatism.
2. William James went beyond Pierce in presenting a moral theory on pragmatismistic grounds.
3. CS Pierce called his own theory as pragmaticism.

. . . . . . . . is an attempt to constitute a precise logical theory of concepts, of judgements and influence in their various forms by considering primarily how thought functions in the experimental determination of future consequence.

What is experiental education?

Match the following.
List-I List-II
a. Speech act 1. Wittgenstein
b. Language game 2. AJ Ayer
c. Verification theory of meaning 3. CS Pierce
d. Intuitionailsm 4. John Dewey

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