The Weberian model of bureaucracy has been criticised from a variety of stand points.
Consider the following points in this regard:
1. The Weberian model appears to be a 'machine theory' and a closed system model taking little account of organisational interactions with the environment.
2. The structural features of bureaucracy as laid down by Weber might be suitable for routine and repetitive tasks but these would produce dysfunctional consequences in terms of human behaviour if the jobs would involve innovation and creativity.
3. Weberian model has not been found to respond adequately to the tasks of socioeconomic transformation in the developing countries. These tasks require quick changes whereas the capacity of the Weberian model for adaptation to change is rather slow.
4. Weber's model is confined to the study of formal bureaucratic structure and fails to take notice of the informal structure of bureauracy such as informal relations, informal norms and values, an informal power hierarchy and informal power struggles.
Which of the above points make a valid criticism of the Weberian model? Select the correct answer from below:

Assertion (A): A Presidential system is suitable for emergencies.
Reason (R): All powers are concentrated in the hands of the President and he can afford to take prompt decisions to meet a crisis.

Which of these statements about how to study the American presidency would be supported by an advocate of institutional analysis?

Capitalism is inevitably characterised by a steady swelling of the ranks of the proletariat as well as by an increasing pauperisation of the working class. This process continues unabated and ultimately a stage is reached when the working class driven to the wall as it were, rises and expropriates the expropriators, thus ending all time capitalist system. Revolution is thus the mid-wife of change.
The above statement reflects which of the following?

Which of these electoral systems is most commonly used in elections to the legislatives of Western European countries?

Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and other labelled as Reason (R) Select the correct answer from the given below independent after World War II.
Assertion (A) Many Afro-Asian nations emerged independent after World War II.
Reason (R) Absence of economic development largely tended to make their independence more formal than substantive.

The main characteristics of the party implied in Lenin's conceptualization are:
1. The party is in possession of a unique type of knowledge as well as a distinctive method. Its knowledge base is Marxism and its method is dialectic.
2. The party is in principle a rigidly disciplined and carefully selected small group. It claims intellectual superiority because of the possession of unique knowledge.
3. The party has to be territorialy all pervasive in the sense that its branches should spread in all the parts and regions of the country.
4. The party is, by design, a highly centralised organization. Autonomy of local units is thus ruled out. The rank and file would be subject to strict discipline and rules of obedience.
Select the correct answer from the following:

Which countries were the basis of the study of Almond and Verba's 'Civic Culture'?