Since mid-1950s, the major trends in comparative politics have been in the areas of
1. System theories
2. Culture theories
3. Development theories
4. Class theories
Select the correct answer:

Assertion (A): Democracy demands that the people should have a high level of intelligence and a sound system of education.
Reason (R): If the people do not possess the spirit of 'normal reasonableness' democracy degenerates into mob rule which is set aside by dictatorship.

What are the three types of political culture according to Almond and Verba's study 'Civil Culture'?

"Whenever any form of Government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government." - The American Declaration of Independence, 1776.
Which of the following is implied in the above statement?

In the year 1960, application of structural functionalism by Almond and Powell was an application of

Match the following in the term of Book and Author.
List-I (Book) List-II (Author)
a. lnterest groups in American Society 1. H. W. Ehrann
b. Interest groups of four continents 2. H. Zeigler
c. Anonymous Empire 3. Graham Wallas
d. Human Nature in Politics 4. Samuel Finer