Assertion (A): One of the meanings ascribed to the rule of law is that the general principles of the Constitution are the result of Judicial decisions determining the rights of private persons in particular cases brought before the courts.
Reason (R): English judges played a retrogressive role in safeguarding the rights and liberties of Englishmen. Dicey, who was a liberal castigated the Judges.

Match the following in the term of School of Modernisation and Author.
List-I (School of Modernisation) List-II (Author)
a. Structural School 1. Danioel Lerner
b. Normative School 2. G. A. Almond
c. Technological School 3. Mahatma Gandhi
d. Psychological School 4. David Apter

The main thrust of the rule of law is that:

The liberal democratic or polyarchical regimes are to be found in which of the following states?

Arrange the interest groups as given by Gabriel Almond in sequential order
1. Institutional groups
2. Non-associational groups
3. Associational groups
4. Anomie groups

According to which theory, participation represents the process by which goals are set and means are chosen in relation to all sorts of social issues?