WTO is serving as the successor to which of the following organisations:

Who among the following scholars asserted that - "Globalization does not simply refer to the objectiveness of increasing inter-connectedness. It also refers to cultural and subjective matters [namely, the scope and depth of consciousness of the world as a single place"]?

Who among the following has remarked that, power in a political context means "the power of man over the minds and actions of other men."

Balance of Power' is an important principle of

Which of the following statements are correct regarding Economic and Social Council of UN?
1. The Council has 54 members.
2. The Council generally hold several short sessions and many preparatory meetings and panel discussions with the members of civil society throughout the year.
3. It also holds a three-week substantive session in July.
4. Voting in the Council is by simple majority, each member has one vote.
Select the correct answer:

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