Which one of the following statements about systems approach to organisation is not correct?

Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and other labelled as Reason (R) Select the correct answer:
Assertion (A) Classical theory views organisation as a formal structure of authority based on universal principles.
Reason (R) Classical theory views human beings who run an organisation as mere cogs in the machine.

Max Weber and Fred W. Riggs have a commonality between them in the context of

Who among the following are of the view that the managerial techniques and skills of planning, organising, coordinating and budgeting are same in both public and private administration?
1. Henry Fayol
2. M. P. Follet
3. Luther Gullick
4. L. Urwick

The crucial roles assumed by Public Administration in contemporary society includes:
1. Preservation of the polity
2. Institutionalisation of socio-economic change
3. Protection of the weaker section of society
4. Management of large scale commercial services
Select the correct answer:

Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer:
List-I (Theory) List-II (Thinker)
a. Classical theory 1. Elton Mayo
b. Human Relations theory 2. Henry Fayol
c. Decision-Making theory 3. V. Ostrom
d. Public Choice theory 4. Herbert Simon

Assertion (A): Public Administration has to operate strictly according to law, rules and regulations.
Reason (R): Adberence to law brings in a degree of rigidity in operation in the public sector.

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