Like the Standford-Binet test . . . . . . . . is an individual test and is made up of a wide variety of sub-tests.

Binet, the French psychologist:

. . . . . . . . is a process theorist who sees intellectual development partly as a growing reliance on internal representation.

Read the following statements carefully and give an appropriate response:
(i) System of Multicultural Pluralistic Assessment (SOMPA) is designed to obtain IQ scores from an assessment of a child's physical health and social functioning.
(ii) In the SOMPA system, IQ scores are compared to norms for children of similar cultural and social background
(iii) According to the latest ruling, IQ tests, can be used for educational placement only when they are part-of a comprehensive assessment plan.

Psychologists are interested in the development of achievement tests for

J.P. Guilford's concept of intelligence includes what he calls . . . . . . . . , which is closely related to creative or original problem solving.