Which one of the following pairs, according to Thurston's list of mental ability is correctly matched?

. . . . . . . . has both a verbal and a performance scale so that separate information can be obtained about each type of ability.

The French Government asked . . . . . . . . to devise a test that would detect those children too slow intellectually to profit from regular schooling.

The Binet test of intelligence was developed on the principle that the processes influencing intelligence test performance

Read the following statements carefully and give an appropriate response:
(i) The ability to answer general information and comprehension questions shows the most rapid decline during aging.
(ii) The WAIS-R is a group intelligence test.
(iii) Establishing norms and uniform procedures for administering a test are elements of standardization.
(iv) Scores on modern intelligence tests are based on one's deviation IQ (relative s standing among test takers) rather than on the ratio between mental age and chronological age.

Peformance on IQ tests has risen substantially around the world at all age levels in recent decades on account of the environmental variables. This phenomenon is known as the

Who among the following defines intelligence as the aggregate or global capacity of the individual to act purposefully to think rationally and to deal effectively with the environment?