Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer:
List-I List-II
A. Interview method 1. Provides an opportunity for getting information directly from the subject
B. Case study method 2. Information is collected from the memory of the individual, family, friends about his past
C. Observational method 3. Studies behaviour under natural conditions
D. Experimental method 4. Most objective method of study in a behaviour

Which of the following factors is included in the observation of other's mental activity?

Which of the following methods help you to understand fantasies, hopes, fears and anything that helps to understand a person's mind and behaviour?

Which of the following advantages of "Experimental method"

Observation and recording of naturally occurring behaviour that is not manipulated experimentally, is called . . . . . . . .

Which of the following statements about 'within subject design' is correct?

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