"In the game of baseball, a strike is either a swing and a miss or a pitch down the middle or a foul ball", is an example of . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . is useful in case of those problems where the goal has more information than the given problem and the nature of the problem is such that the operations can be conducted in a forward and backward direction.

Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer:
List-I List-II
A. Random sequence of ideas without external cue or internal control 1. Fantasy
B. Thinking of another private and pleasant world with a theme of one's own 2. Free association
C. Thinking on a disturbed premise in an irrelevant way but having special significance to the individual 3. Creative thinking
D. Thinking which has a theme, is rational and directly related to some problem in the external world 4. Delusion

If all symbols referred only to specific things or actions such as names of objects (table, pencil) or specific directions (turn left, no parking), then these meanings are called . . . . . . . .

During the . . . . . . . . stage of creative thinking the thinker often experiences sudden appearance of the solution of his problem.

A body of words, or symbols and rules for combining them that is used for communication and thought and is understood by a sizable community is . . . . . . . .