In our modern social organisation process is going on in which:

Which of the following is true of pattern of maintenance in social structure?

Choose the correct option:
Assertion (A): There are villages in which a sizeable number of people have sought employment in far-off cities.
Reason (R): They live these leaving behind the members of their families in their natal villages.
In Madhopur, a village in North Central India, 77 out of 298 households have migrants. These migrants work in two cities of Bombay and Calcutta.

The concepts of aristocracy and ethnic superiority are found in . . . . . . . . type of social structure.

Under . . . . . . . . system, material happiness is given primary importance where as under . . . . . . . . system spritual happiness is regarded more important

. . . . . . . . must motivate the actors adequately to the performances, necessary for the social system to develop or persist

The components of social structure are human beings, the structure it self being an arrangement of persons in relationships institutionally defined and regulated.' Who has said this?