Match the following in the term of Concepts and Authors:
List I (Concepts) List II (Authors)
a. Social Morphology 1. Levi-Strauss
b. Reciprocity 2. Ferdinand de Saussure
c. Alliance Theory 3. Radcliffe Brown
d. Structural-Linguist 4. Marcel Mauss

Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer:
List I (Authors) List II (Concepts)
a. Max Weber 1. Circulation of elites
b. V. Pareto 2. Symbolic Interactionism
c. G. M. Mead 3. Interpretive understanding
d. Herbert Blumer 4. Self

Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer:
List I (Thinker) List II (Conflict)
a. Durkheim 1. As pathological
b. Marx 2. As essential and complementary aspect of harmony
c. Simmel 3. As vehicle of social change
d. Ibne Khaldun 4. Fundamental to the evolution of civilisation

Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer:
List I (Social Anthropologist) List II (Field Studies)
a. I. A. Schapera 1. Bechauna
b. Mayer Fortes 2. Tallensi
c. S. F. Nadel 3. Nupe of Nigeria
d. Hilda Kuper 4. Swazi
5. Nuer of sudan