The Osier Bast, a straw commonly known as Sarkanda is interwoven with bast, reeds, rushes and corn husks to make
1. basket
2. chhaj
3. hand fan
4. chiks
Select the correct answer

Consider the following statements
1. Punjabi juttis, shoes made of leather and embroidered all over with gold and silver wires are famous world over.
2. They are known for their intricate designs and high quality.
3. The lightness of these shoes is considered legendary.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

It is an occasion for all married girls to visit their parents and enjoy again the carefree days of their childhood by wearing new clothes, having special dishes and singing special songs. These songs are known as

Which songs of Punjab are sung during the celebrations of harvest?

This musical instrument of Punjab having double drums is believed to be designed by Hazrat Amir Khusrau. It is

Name the instrument which was designed and created by the 10th Guru, Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Name the musical instrument used by the artists of Punjab which was inverted by Amir Khusrau.

The other name of Gurmat sangeet is

Name 'the king of Bhangra' of Punjab.

This musical instrument of Punjab is largely used in dances like Giddha and Bhangra which produces a sound resembling many hands clapping together. Name this instrument.

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