Examine the following statements and select the correct answer from given below:
1. Dry teak forests are concentrated in the southern part of Rajasthan.
2. Teak forests are found in areas having annual average rainfall 75 to 110 cm.
3. Subtropical evergreen forests are found on Mt. Abu
4. Forests of western Rajasthan belong to the mixed deciduous forest

The government of Rajasthan has implemented the 'Gopal Yojana' in 10 districts of which regions of Rajasthan?

Main objective of Swavalamban Yojana in Rajasthan is

One of the following is not the objective of Chief Minister's 'Subh Laxmi' Yojana in Rajasthan?

In which of the following projects for the first time, sprinkler irrigation system has been made compulsory in Rajasthan?

'Dang Area Development programme' is related with

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