9 years ago

In what time would a cistern be filled by 3 pipes ,whose diameter are 1cm ,4/3cm and 2 cm,running together ,when the largest alone will fill in 61 min,the amount of water flowing in by each pipe being proportional to the square of its diameter ?

Solution(By Examveda Team)

In one minute the pipe of 2cm diameter fills 1/61  of the cistern.
In one minute the pipe of 1cm diameter fills 1/61* 1/4   of the cistern
In one minute the pipe of 11/3 cm diameter fills 1/61* 4/9   of the cistern
In one minute (1/61+1/(61*4)+4/(61*9))=1/36   of the cistern is filled.
The whole cistern is filled in 36 minutes.

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Comments ( 3 )

  1. Vishal Anand
    Vishal Anand :
    5 years ago

    Volume of three pipes work togther = volume of of largest pipe work alone
    We know that, Volume = capacity X time
    Capcity of all three pipe = 1^2 + (4/3)^2 + 2^2 =61/9
    Now using volume formula,
    61/9 * time taken = volume of alone third pipe= 61 * 4
    So, time taken = 9*4 =36min

  2. Arunava
    Arunava :
    9 years ago

    For all three pipes together:
    2^2 = 4
    1^2 = 1
    4/3^2 = 16/9

    4 + 1 + 16/9 = 61/9 is proportional to the amount of water flowing in.

    We know that for the largest pipe: 2^2 = 4 is proportional to the amount of water flowing in and this takes 61 minutes.

    So we need to calculate:

    61 x (4/(61/9)) = 61 x (36/61) = 36 minutes.

  3. Kumar Chandan
    Kumar Chandan :
    9 years ago

    (4k+16/9k+1*k)T = C..........(1)
    k = some pipe const same for all
    C = capacity of cistern
    T = Required time
    Also 4k*61min = C........(2)
    Substituting (2)in (1), we get
    T=36 min.

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