8 years ago

Which of the following should be avoided in biological marriage?

A. A+ boy and A- girl

B. A+ boy and A+ girl

C. O+ boy and O+ girl

D. AB+ boy and AB+ girl

Solution(By Examveda Team)

Correct answer is A+ boy and A- girl

Boy:A = Girl:O&B
Boy:B = Girl:O&A
Boy:AB = Girl:O,A& B
Boy:Rh+ve = Girl:Rh-ve

Matching blood groups for marriage
Boy:A = Girl:A&AB
Boy:B = Girl:B& AB
Boy:O = Girl:O,A,B & AB
Boy:AB = Girl:AB
Boy:Rh+ve = Girl:Rh+ve
Boy:Rh-ve = Girl:Rh+ve & Rh-ve

Why it is suggested to match blood group before marriage.
Matching blood group before marriage is important. This is to prevent Rh incompatibility. Rh incompatibility can lead to erythroblastosis fetalis (Hemolytic disease of the newborn-HDN). Fetal RBC gets destroyed & newborn may get severe anaemia, jaundice. This jaundice is more severe than Physiological jaundice ( which is the most common and will usually resolve on its own).
In very severe form, a fetus may die due to heart failure. This is mediated by the antigen-antibodies reaction. Transfer of maternal antibodies across the placenta occurs.
This happens when Rh +ve man marries Rh-ve lady. So Rh +ve man should try to avoid marrying Rh-ve lady.
Newborn with erythroblastosis fetalis may need an exchange transfusion.
Complete blood count, bilirubin levels are done. High levels of bilirubin may lead to kernicterus. Kernicterus means deposition of bilirubin in basal ganglia region & can cause severe brain damage (bilirubin encephalopathy). In kernicterus, the baby will be lethargic, slowly responding when breastfeeding is tried. Bulging fontanelles may be seen
In 1st pregnancy, the problem is less severe but in subsequent pregnancies, a problem becomes more severe. Hemolytic disease of the newborn can be treated before birth by intrauterine transfusion. Incompatibilities of ABO blood types do not cause erythroblastosis fetalis.
Erythroblastosis fetalis can be prevented by giving the mother Rh0(D) immune globulin at 28 wk gestation and within 72 h of pregnancy termination. Due to preventive treatments are given to the mother, erythroblastosis fetalis is less common nowadays Direct antiglobulin test (DAT, Direct Coomb's test ) is used to diagnose HDN.

Rhesus factor

Rh incompatibility

There are mainly four types of major blood groups in humans - A, B, AB and O. The Rhesus factor is a substance in blood by which human blood may be divided by its presence into (Rh +ve) or (Rh -ve) groups. The final identification of a blood group is thus O +ve, B -ve etc.
There is some misconception that the same blood group in both partners may be detrimental. This is not true. The actual problem may occur when the mother is Rh -ve and the husband is Rh +ve irrespective of their blood group.
The baby of such a union could be Rh -ve or Rh +ve. For an Rh -ve baby there will be no problems and no precautions need to be taken. For an Rh +ve baby on the other hand complications of varying severity may take place.

Source : Matriman.com

Why It Is Important To Know Your Partner's Blood Type Before Getting Married - By NDTV DOCTOR

It is important that couples get their Rh compound in the blood checked before getting married or having a child, as it can raise complications in the baby, say experts.
There are many things that we plan and make adjustments for, before we get married. But hardly do we pay heed to the medical concerns which are essential and for us and our partner's future before consummating the marriage. Knowing your partner's blood type is an essential requirement before getting married, as it may determine the health of your child. You must be fully aware of your partner's ABO and Rh blood type. While ABO refers to the different types of blood groups: A, B, O and AB, Rh is referred to a compound which may or not be present in your red blood cells. People with Rh compound are termed as Rh positive and people without the Rh compound are known as Rh negative.


#1 Mixing of Rh negative mother with Rh-positive father can be problematic.
#2 Rh positive baby born in this way leads to isoimmunisation.
#3 Anti-D injection is given in this case to prevent the formation of antibodies.

Expert advice

According to Dr Gita Prakash, it is very important that couples get their Rh checked before getting married or having a child, as it can raise complications in the baby.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

Source : doctor.ndtv.com

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Comments ( 100 )

  1. Michelle X
    Michelle X :
    2 years ago

    Sorry, far too simplistic and missing a lot.

    Rhesus is not only antigen D.
    Rhesus D is a preventative issue at birth by injecting a rhesus D negative woman AntiD after birth. (There is actually an advantage for a RhD neg woman giving birth to a RhD pos child and receiving antiD in overall minimising other blood group antigens exposure minimizing any IgG formation that could effect second baby. But would go too far here.)

    During pregnancy those IgG antibodies usually don't form, but at birth. The first baby mostly not at risk, unless mother got a blood transfusion beforehand.
    Don't forget, IgG goes through placenta, IgM does not.
    There are Rh Antigen EeCc as well and quite strong and no preventative measure possible.
    When you are A or B you can be genetically AO and BO meaning you get ,25% chance of a OO child. AntiB and Anti A are IgM anyway.

    So this marriage advise is totally simplistic to base on bland phenotypes and disregarding other rhesus antigens and other blood group antigens and disregarding that there is an antiD injection and disregarding that antiA and antiB are igM and do not go through placenta.
    Disregarding a immunisation through other blood contact prior birth.

    Antibody IgG problems do exist
    and arise, we need to test (Coombs) and help, but are not preventable by this simplified, at times wrong chart!!!

    There is a lot missing. A lot advised against which might be zero problem due to genotype, advised for which might be a problem due to other not mentioned blood antigens.

    You can be both 0, you can be both RhD neg and still get another blood antigen issue at birth and be it eg Anti E for the next baby.
    This is not even considered here.

    Mixing two issues:
    naturally occurring isoagglutinines A B IgM antibodies totally unimportant for pregnancy if intact placenta, and IgG after blood transfusion (any blood transfusion be it a bag of blood or birth) possible if many antigens on red cells are different to mum, not only rhesus D. And rhesus D IgG luckily preventable in developed countries with blind antiD injection to any RhD neg freshly birthed mum.

    Problem will always be other antigens that are not even listed here, too. (rhesus EeCc, Duffy, Kell...)
    They usually are not too strong, but can kill a lot of baby red cells still.
    Problem this chart does not explain a genotype vs phenotype.

    Two pos RhD can get a RhD negative child.
    One RhD pos and one RhD neg can get a RhD negative child.
    Of course they can marry.
    A and B can get a O child.

    Goodness, forget this advise asap please.
    It's wether complete nor correct.
    Be aware, know there can be issues mainly for the second child onwards if no blood transfusion beforehand sensitized into IgG against a blood antigen for first child, that the baby maybe had on its cells, but don't be afraid you would be for sure incompatible just based on this simplified chart.
    We humans would have died out very long ago if it was to be considered.
    Blood antigen antibody reaction, distruction is a real concern, but doesn't concern ABO and RhD only and can't be avoided with this chart for sure either or might not even be the 100% case depending on genotype.

  2. Oceansdeep3@aol.com
    Oceansdeep3@aol.com :
    2 years ago

    Also consider your grandchildren and your great grandchildren when choosing a compatible marriage partner. When you combine your blood types and Rh factors you pass down one copy each per parent to your child. What if your kids or grandkids get pregnant with fraternal twins and those twins have opposite Rh factors sharing the same womb? That can't be healthy and increases the chances for vanishing twin syndrome. Is that what you want to pass on to your lineage? Love is love but hate is hate in biology, unfortunately.

  3. Enock Dadzie
    Enock Dadzie :
    2 years ago

    Can A+boy get marriage to O girl

  4. Mi Lord
    Mi Lord :
    2 years ago

    Can a guy with b+ marry a lady with a+or, a-and ab

  5. Crux Huge
    Crux Huge :
    2 years ago

    Mother 0- and father 0- is that save and not problematic?

  6. Dilip Moholkar
    Dilip Moholkar :
    2 years ago

    Sir boy blood Group B+& Girl's blood group B+ it's matching for marriage

  7. Makinde Olami
    Makinde Olami :
    2 years ago

    Am a man with 0- can I marry a lady with B+

  8. Esha Shaikh
    Esha Shaikh :
    3 years ago

    Mother B+ and father B- .. either it is save for baby,.???

  9. Sachin Khochare
    Sachin Khochare :
    4 years ago

    Is husband and wife blood group AB+ affect on pregnancy or any other physical problems?

  10. Shubhi Tandon
    Shubhi Tandon :
    4 years ago

    I am o positive and my husband is b positve,is it healthy can i be pregnant

  11. Entertainment Views
    Entertainment Views :
    4 years ago

    My blood is ab- my wife blood group is o- its a problem for prognency

  12. Entertainment Views
    Entertainment Views :
    4 years ago

    My blood is ab- my wife blood group is o- its a problem for prognency

  13. Jhansi Gonguloori
    Jhansi Gonguloori :
    4 years ago

    Is a+ boy and a+ girl can cause any problems in pregnancy

  14. Sourya Sarkar
    Sourya Sarkar :
    4 years ago

    What is matching blood grooup compability for A- boy

  15. Satyawan Sukre
    Satyawan Sukre :
    5 years ago

    O+ve boy marry with 0 +ve girl

  16. ViaticTag 95
    ViaticTag 95 :
    5 years ago

    I have A+ and my wife is 0+ what should i do?
    Is there a chance that the child comes good? How many percebt chabce i have that the resaults come good without any problem?

  17. Madhaven Madhaven
    Madhaven Madhaven :
    5 years ago

    Can my daughter who belongs to O+ve blood group can marry a male who is A2B positive?

  18. Arun Rajora
    Arun Rajora :
    5 years ago

    Hi can AB+ boy marry with O- women

  19. Harshit Agrawal
    Harshit Agrawal :
    5 years ago

    B- boy and O+ Girl

    5 years ago

    Sir I have O+ and my wife has O- . So what is the necessary steps should we taken ?

  21. Mahadeo Gund
    Mahadeo Gund :
    5 years ago

    Mera our mere mama ki beti ka blood group o positive hai to kya hum marriage kr sakte hai?

  22. Drokly Klon
    Drokly Klon :
    6 years ago

    I'm A+ and she is B-

  23. DG Kaulavkar
    DG Kaulavkar :
    6 years ago

    मुलाचा 0+ तर मुलीचा AB- आहे. विवाहात समस्या असु शकतात काय ?

  24. Mavee Masmos
    Mavee Masmos :
    6 years ago

    Pls can A- man marry an O + lady. Pls kindly help me out. Thanks

  25. Reshma Gawli
    Reshma Gawli :
    6 years ago


  26. Tharika Maduwanthi
    Tharika Maduwanthi :
    6 years ago

    O- girl can marry B+ boy? Is this match nd can you describe about that

  27. Apurva W
    Apurva W :
    6 years ago

    Can a Rh B+ve girl marry a Rh - ve boy?
    Plz tell. Which Rh - ve is compatible and won't creat any complications?

  28. Bibekananda MANNA
    Bibekananda MANNA :
    6 years ago

    I am A+ and She is O- then what will be the possible problem in pregnancy

  29. Domjazzy Dom
    Domjazzy Dom :
    6 years ago

    Hi I am o+ and my partner is a-,is this compatible ?

  30. Pooja Sharma
    Pooja Sharma :
    6 years ago

    I m wife b+ and my husband ab+ is this good compatibility

  31. Deepayan Pal
    Deepayan Pal :
    6 years ago

    I m A+ and she's is A- . Will be there a problem for pregnancy

  32. Deepan Kumar
    Deepan Kumar :
    6 years ago

    Hi i am boy with A+ group and my wife is B+ is there any problem to have a baby

  33. Joseph K.J
    Joseph K.J :
    6 years ago

    Ab+ boy and o- girl can they get married?

  34. Hazeez Halomaz
    Hazeez Halomaz :
    6 years ago

    I'm A+ and my girlfriend is O+ , are we compatible for marriage?

  35. James E
    James E :
    6 years ago

    Sir am o+ and my girl is A+ can we marry

  36. Dilhani Nisansala
    Dilhani Nisansala :
    6 years ago

    my blood group is o+ but my boy blood group is b+. So we will marry , anything happens to our baby.. plzzz give me answer

  37. Dilhani Nisansala
    Dilhani Nisansala :
    6 years ago

    Sir my blood group is o+ but my boy blood group is b+. So we will marry , anything happens to our baby

  38. Elavenil S
    Elavenil S :
    6 years ago

    O+ve girl can marry B+ve boy???

  39. Mensah Joseph
    Mensah Joseph :
    6 years ago

    Thanks for your education on this marital compatibility.. Energy1.

  40. Subrat Swain
    Subrat Swain :
    6 years ago

    Whether o+be boy can marry a o-ve girl? Is it advisable?

  41. Suchita Patil
    Suchita Patil :
    6 years ago

    ab+ boy and a- girl should they get marry or not?

  42. Anjana Sah
    Anjana Sah :
    6 years ago

    ab+ boy and ab- girl should they get marry or not?

  43. Harihara Priyadharshan
    Harihara Priyadharshan :
    6 years ago

    My father is B+ and my mother is O+. We are two sons for them no one get Jaundice or any kind of heart problem. We are to healthy and we are also older than 18 years. What is your answer for this ?

  44. Anshu Himanshu
    Anshu Himanshu :
    6 years ago

    My blood group o+..after Marrying o+ girl..will any thing happen to our baby..???????? Plz say.....

  45. Poonam Sutar
    Poonam Sutar :
    6 years ago

    can AB- marry B+ blood group ?

  46. Rammurthy DI
    Rammurthy DI :
    6 years ago

    Pls tell me o+ve boy can marry an o-ve girl or not?

  47. Anwar Sadik
    Anwar Sadik :
    6 years ago

    Why not answering the all questions?

  48. Snehal Bidre
    Snehal Bidre :
    6 years ago

    Could O+boy marry O+girl?
    You are provided that O will match for O but you did not mentioned whether it is positive or negative. Please I need answer please???

  49. Maibam Johnson
    Maibam Johnson :
    6 years ago

    Hi iam boy with A+ group and my lover is B+ is there any problem to have a baby

  50. Pooja Palak
    Pooja Palak :
    6 years ago

    Hi I am girl with a+ve group and my lover is of ab-ve.. Can v achieve baby in near future or not?

  51. Ankita Bondre
    Ankita Bondre :
    6 years ago

    My blood grl is B-ve and my fiance has O+ve is there any problem for we to get married?

  52. Himani Naithani
    Himani Naithani :
    6 years ago

    I have A+ and my fiance has O+. Is this favourable or not. Kindly suggest as soon as possible.

  53. Yogesh Gupta
    Yogesh Gupta :
    6 years ago

    I have AB+ and my fiance has O- . Is this favourable or not. Kindly suggest as soon as possible.

  54. Shraddha Kale
    Shraddha Kale :
    6 years ago

    Hi I(boy) have Ab+ and girl has B- is this ok?

  55. My Favourite
    My Favourite :
    6 years ago

    Hi , I has O + and my fincee has A1+ so are fit for marriage and is there any problem will come .kindly let me know

  56. Don Petemo
    Don Petemo :
    7 years ago

    Don Petemo :
    My blood group is A+ and my fiancee's blood group is O+
    Are we fit to marry?

  57. Ajay Anu
    Ajay Anu :
    7 years ago

    Me has A+ and my girl has Ab+ then can we be get marry 😟😟

  58. Kalyani Pole
    Kalyani Pole :
    7 years ago

    I am girl my blood group is ab negative can i marrige to o+ b group

  59. Debaprasad Das
    Debaprasad Das :
    7 years ago

    Pls tell me o+ve boy can marry an o-ve girl

  60. Natraj B.
    Natraj B. :
    7 years ago

    pls tell O negative by And O Positive girl can marriage?

  61. Swati Dwaz
    Swati Dwaz :
    7 years ago

    Boy: O- and girl:B+ can match for marriage

    7 years ago

    which blood group can an O positive lady marry

  63. Krishna Kusuma
    Krishna Kusuma :
    7 years ago

    Sir plz my blood group O+
    My wife blood group AB-

  64. Sanobar Arshi
    Sanobar Arshi :
    7 years ago

    A boy is b+ and girl is b- . If they marry, is there any chance of erythroblast in their baby

  65. K.m Raju
    K.m Raju :
    7 years ago

    My blood group O+ ve my wife's blood group O+ can we match please answer me..

  66. Shubham Shukla
    Shubham Shukla :
    7 years ago

    My blood group is b + ve and my wife's blood group is A -ve can we match

  67. AjAy MaNdAl
    AjAy MaNdAl :
    7 years ago

    Sir plz my blood group b+
    My wife blood group A+

  68. Suman Mandal
    Suman Mandal :
    7 years ago

    Boy AB+ and girl B+ can match for marriage????

  69. Hamza Vohra
    Hamza Vohra :
    7 years ago

    Boy B positive and girl O positive can match for marrage? ?

  70. Biswajit Das
    Biswajit Das :
    7 years ago

    Boy A Positive and girl B Negative can match for marriage..??

  71. Ujjal Mondal
    Ujjal Mondal :
    7 years ago

    My group is A+ can I marry a O- blood group girl

  72. Joseph PITZ
    Joseph PITZ :
    7 years ago

    Could O+boy marry O+girl?
    You are provided that O will match for O but you did not mentioned whether it is positive or negative. Please I need answer please???

  73. Rajarshi Paul
    Rajarshi Paul :
    7 years ago

    She has already mentioned that Rh+ve in both boy and girl is absolutely fine.
    Boy:O = Girl:O,A,B & AB
    Boy:Rh+ve = Girl:Rh+ve
    So you're good to go ahead.

  74. Aswin Gk
    Aswin Gk :
    7 years ago

    Could O+boy marry O+girl?
    You are provided that O will match for O but you did not mentioned whether it is positive or nagative.Please reply fast

  75. Pranali Mankar
    Pranali Mankar :
    7 years ago

    Can A-ve boy marry with B +ve girl. If there will compliance during pregnancy. Is it dangerous for new born baby

  76. Frank Odoom
    Frank Odoom :
    7 years ago

    can B+ boy marry o girl

  77. Aysha R
    Aysha R :
    7 years ago

    Can Ab- negative marry O- ?

    7 years ago

    bull shit...incomplete studies im product of incompatible blood group parents and have very strong vital 6 3 tall and my other siblings already had very very healthy babies

  79. Ravikant Kadam
    Ravikant Kadam :
    7 years ago

    Boy A+ and girl B+ can match for marriage..??

  80. Gauri Thakre
    Gauri Thakre :
    7 years ago

    Boy A+ and girl B+ can match for marriage?

  81. Poonam Chandra
    Poonam Chandra :
    7 years ago

    If boy is B+ & the girl is B-
    Marriage is successful or not

  82. Kipkoech Willy
    Kipkoech Willy :
    7 years ago

    HELOO,,am A+VE and my girlfriend is O+ve and I do love her most and planning to have a kid ,,pliz advice

  83. Abhijit Pahari
    Abhijit Pahari :
    7 years ago

    Boy AB positive and girl O positive is there any problem to born baby?

  84. Sathish Priyan
    Sathish Priyan :
    7 years ago

    Husband B- Wife B+ a rh . Is there be any chance to difficulty with their baby in future

  85. Jitendra Kumar
    Jitendra Kumar :
    7 years ago

    If the boy is rh posotive and girl is rh negative. Is there be any chance to difficulty with their baby in future.

  86. Archana Chakravarty
    Archana Chakravarty :
    7 years ago

    Boy o+ and girl A+ is a good match or not for biological marriage

  87. Chandrashekhar Kale
    Chandrashekhar Kale :
    7 years ago

    Boy A+ & Girl B+tve can mache for marrage?

  88. Hemant Vidhate
    Hemant Vidhate :
    7 years ago

    Boy O-ve , which blood group girl is preferable for marriage?

  89. Hemant Vidhate
    Hemant Vidhate :
    7 years ago

    Boy O-ve , which blood group girl is preferable or marriage?

  90. Shikhil 9.19847E+11
    Shikhil 9.19847E+11 :
    7 years ago

    Boy B+ve and Girl O +ve ..what to do in life safe especially our baby

  91. Šhá Řááväň
    Šhá Řááväň :
    7 years ago

    Husband B+ Wife O+ baby gender pls?

  92. Nilesh Badak
    Nilesh Badak :
    8 years ago

    Can A+ boy marry A+ girl

    8 years ago

    Can o- be women match to b+ be man

  94. Vinay Mannur
    Vinay Mannur :
    8 years ago

    In Blood relation boy is in O+ve and girl in A+ve blood groups respectively. Is it safe for baby?

  95. Sanket Jadhav
    Sanket Jadhav :
    8 years ago

    Boy AB Rh+ve and girl A+ is there prb to born baby?

  96. Sourav Hossain
    Sourav Hossain :
    8 years ago

    Husband have O- blood or wife have AB+ group is there any prb to born baby?

  97. Izaz Noor
    Izaz Noor :
    8 years ago

    i am male my boold group b+ can me marege with a- girls

  98. Kaushiki Goswami
    Kaushiki Goswami :
    8 years ago

    A woman having Bnegative nd the man having apositive blood group. Can they a child..

  99. Ursula Barnard
    Ursula Barnard :
    8 years ago

    Can A positive and B positive have children and what sex will the baby be

  100. Kajal Shaw
    Kajal Shaw :
    8 years ago

    Answer = A+ boy and A- girl

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