A certain D-MOSFET is biased at VGS = 0 V. Its data sheet specifies IDSS = 20mA and VGS(off) = -5 V. The value of the drain current is ___________
A. 20 mA
B. 0 mA
C. 40 mA
D. 10 mA
Answer: Option A
A. 20 mA
B. 0 mA
C. 40 mA
D. 10 mA
Answer: Option A
The gate voltage in a JFET at which drain current becomes zero is called ___________ voltage
A. saturation
B. pinch-off
C. active
D. cut-off
A. pentode
B. tetrode
C. triode
D. diode
The constant-current region of a JFET lies between
A. cut off and saturation
B. cut off and pinch-off
C. o and IDSS
D. pinch-off and breakdown
A JFET has high input impedance because ___________
A. it is made of semiconductor material
B. input is reverse biased
C. of impurity atoms
D. none of the above
Since. Vgs = 0 volt ,
Id= Idss
Idss = 20mA
Id = 20 mA.
A JFET has drain current of 5mA if IDSS=10MA and VGS=-6 find the value of VP?