A wants to secure an annual income of Rs. 1500 by investing in 15% debentures of face value Rs. 100 each and available for Rs. 104 each. If the brokerage is 1%, then the sum of money he should invest is -
A. Rs. 10504
B. Rs. 10784
C. Rs. 15000
D. Rs. 19642
Answer: Option A
Solution(By Examveda Team)
Income on each debenture= 15% of Rs. 100
= Rs. 15
Number of debentures required
= Rs. $$\left( {\frac{{1500}}{{15}}} \right)$$
= Rs. 100
Cost of each debenture
= Rs. (104 + 1% of 104)
= (104 + 1.04)
= Rs. 105.04
∴ Total investment
= Rs. (105.04 × 100)
= Rs. 10504
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In order to obtain an income of Rs. 650 from 10% stock at Rs. 96, one must make an investment of:
A. Rs. 3100
B. Rs. 6240
C. Rs. 6500
D. Rs. 9600
A. $$12\frac{1}{2}$$ %
B. $$13\frac{1}{2}$$ %
C. 15%
D. $$16\frac{2}{3}$$ %
Which is better investment: 11% stock at 143 or $$9\frac{3}{4}$$% stock at 117?
A. 11% stock at 143
B. $$9\frac{3}{4}$$% stock at 117
C. Both are equally good
D. Cannot be compared, as the total amount of investment is not given.
A. Rs. 12
B. Rs. 15
C. Rs. 18
D. Rs. 21
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