
Ablation is done in

A. Oil palm

B. Palmyrah

C. Coconut

D. Both B and C

Answer: Option D

Solution(By Examveda Team)

Ablation is a horticultural practice used for the propagation of certain palm trees. It involves the removal or cutting of the terminal bud or growing point of a palm tree. This process is typically carried out to stimulate the growth of new shoots or suckers from the trunk of the palm tree. These new shoots or suckers can then be separated and planted to grow into new palm trees.

In the context of the options provided:
Option A: Oil palm is not typically propagated through ablation. Oil palm is often propagated through seeds or tissue culture methods.
Option B: Palmyrah is a type of palm tree, and ablation can indeed be a method used for its propagation.
Option C: Coconut is another type of palm tree for which ablation can be used as a propagation method.
Option D: Both B and C implies that ablation is used for both Palmyrah and Coconut palm trees. This is correct; ablation can be used for the propagation of both Palmyrah and Coconut palm trees.

So, the correct answer is Option D: Both B and C. Ablation is a horticultural technique that can be employed for the propagation of both Palmyrah and Coconut palm trees.

This Question Belongs to Agriculture >> Horticulture

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Comments ( 2 )

  1. Imlisunep
    Imlisunep :
    3 months ago

    Oil palm i think

  2. Jlalrinngheta Ralte
    Jlalrinngheta Ralte :
    8 months ago

    Should be Oil Palm

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