According to Parsons, when an organized action system emphasizes gratification, Pain and to maximize pleasure then the pattern is called:
A. Affective
B. Expressive
C. Cathective
D. Gratifying
Answer: Option A
A. Affective
B. Expressive
C. Cathective
D. Gratifying
Answer: Option A
A. Radcliffe Brown
B. Kroeber
C. Hutton
D. Durkhiem
Parsons called the distribution of various roles among the actor in a social system as:
A. Division of labour
B. Allocation
C. Role-set
D. Stratification
A. Redcliffe Brown
B. Nadel
C. Parsons
D. Merton
A. Marxist, Idealistic
B. Sensate, Ideational
C. Ideational, Idealistic
D. Sensate, Idealistic
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