
Alauddin Khalji rigidly enforced 'market control' or economic regulations for

A. building up a large and contented army with small salaries

B. the general welfare of the people

C. both (A) and (B) above

D. curbing dishonest merchants and traders

Answer: Option C

Solution(By Examveda Team)

Though Alauddin Khilji’s market reforms were oriented more towards administrative and military necessities than internal restructuring but he adopted a holistic approach to see the reform working properly. That is why he did not control the price of essential commodities only, for those meant for direct use by the military.vInstead he tried to control the price of everything from caps to socks, from combs to needles, vegetables, sweet meats to chapatis etc. Such widespread centralised control was found to influence every section of the society.

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