
. . . . . . . . allows us to control electronic components

A. retful api

B. restful api

C. http

D. mqtt

Answer: Option D

Solution(By Examveda Team)

The correct answer is Option D: mqtt. MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is a lightweight messaging protocol that allows us to control electronic components in the context of the Internet of Things (IoT). It is designed for efficient communication between devices and is commonly used for IoT applications to send and receive data, including control commands, between connected devices.

Option A: retful api: This option appears to contain a typo. The correct term is "RESTful API," which stands for Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface. RESTful APIs are commonly used for communication between applications over the internet, but they are not specifically designed for controlling electronic components in IoT. RESTful APIs are more focused on data exchange and are not as efficient or well-suited for real-time control and communication in IoT scenarios.

Option B: restful api: Similar to Option A, this option refers to a "RESTful API." As mentioned above, while RESTful APIs are useful for data exchange and web services, they are not the primary choice for controlling electronic components in the IoT context. They lack the lightweight and real-time capabilities offered by MQTT.

Option C: http: HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is commonly used for web browsing and general data transfer on the internet. While it can be used for sending commands and receiving data in IoT applications, it is not specifically designed for controlling electronic components efficiently in the IoT context. HTTP is request-response based, which may not be suitable for real-time control.

Option D: mqtt: This is the correct answer. MQTT, as previously explained, is a messaging protocol designed for IoT applications. It excels in controlling electronic components due to its lightweight, publish-subscribe model, support for various QoS levels, and asynchronous communication, making it well-suited for real-time control and efficient communication in IoT environments.

In summary, MQTT (Option D) is the preferred choice for controlling electronic components in IoT because it is purpose-built for this task, offering the necessary features for efficient, real-time communication and control, while the other options (Options A, B, and C) are not as well-suited or appropriate for this specific use case.

This Question Belongs to Computer Science >> Internet Of Things (IoT)

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  1. Harsh Chandra
    Harsh Chandra :
    8 months ago

    Ans should be B

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