
A.M. turing developed a technique for determining whether a computer could or could not demonstrate the artificial Intelligence,, Presently, this technique is called

A. Turing Test

B. Algorithm

C. Boolean Algebra

D. Logarithm

E. None of the above

Answer: Option A

This Question Belongs to Computer Science >> Artificial Intelligence

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  1. Sudhandhu Dubey
    Sudhandhu Dubey :
    4 years ago

    Give reasons

  2. Gaurav Tripathi
    Gaurav Tripathi :
    4 years ago

    Support your answer

  3. Gaurav Tripathi
    Gaurav Tripathi :
    4 years ago

    Give reason about Turing test

  4. Tamanna Salim
    Tamanna Salim :
    4 years ago

    Reason of this answer

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