Md. Ahasanul
Md. Ahasanul
10 years ago

An article is sold at 20% profit. It its cost price is increased by Re 50 and at the same time if its selling price is also increases by Re 30. the percentage of profit decrease by 10/3%. find the cost price.

Solution(By Examveda Team)

ANSWER = Rs 850

Let initial cost price be x Rs.
Profit = 20/100 * x = x/5
So selling price = x + x/5 = 6x/5

Cost price = x + 50
Selling Price = 6x/5 + 30
Profit = (6x/5 + 30) - (x + 50) = x/5 -20
Profit Percentage = (x/5 - 20) / (x + 50) * 100
But in according to the question profit percentage = 20 - 10/3 = 50/3 %
So (x/5 - 20) / (x + 50) * 100 = 50/3
∴ (x/5 - 20) / (x + 50) = 1/6
∴ 6x/5 - 120 = x + 50
∴ x/5 = 170
∴ x = 850
So original cost price = Rs 850

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Comments ( 11 )

  1. Sribin Srinivasan
    Sribin Srinivasan :
    4 years ago

    As there is a increase in both cp and sp simultaneously, we cannot do this by ratio or short cut method.... Best time saving method is..... Go by options......
    Cp-850 p%-20 .... Therefore sp-1020
    Now, cp becomes 900 and sp becomes 1050....which provides u a profit% of 10/3%........

    This is the optimum method...

  2. Tanmay Pathak
    Tanmay Pathak :
    6 years ago

    Answer wil be 850 not 3000

  3. Abdulla Mamun
    Abdulla Mamun :
    6 years ago

    = how could possible

  4. MD ABU
    MD ABU :
    6 years ago

    let original
    c.p=x, @20% profit
    now new

  5. Shivani Bhagel
    Shivani Bhagel :
    6 years ago

    Please show answer

  6. SeekofKnowledge MBA
    SeekofKnowledge MBA :
    6 years ago

    CP is Increased by 50
    SP is Increased by 30
    10/3 % ------------ 20
    1% ----------------- 6
    100% ------------- 600

    Is the Answer

  7. Nikhil Kumar
    Nikhil Kumar :
    8 years ago

    Rs 850

  8. Sagun Gupta
    Sagun Gupta :
    9 years ago


  9. Lucky
    Lucky :
    9 years ago


  10. Leelanand Kumar
    Leelanand Kumar :
    9 years ago

    Let us Assume that The cost price of an article is "X";
    Then Selling price of that article is X*120/100= 6X/5;
    Profit= Selling price - Cost price; i.e., 6X/5-X= X/5;--------->(1)
    Now the Same article cost price is increased by Rs. 50 i.e., X+50;
    and the selling price is also Increased by rs. 30 i.e., 6X/5+30;= (6X+150)/5;
    Now the profit is (6X+150)/5-(X+50);= (x-100)/5------->(2)
    now the profit percentage decreases by 10/3% means ((1)-(2))*100/(1);=
    (x/5-(X-100)/5)*100/(X/5)= 10/3; from this X= 3000; i.e., Cost price is 3000 rupees You may Cross check it out with this Cost price and u will also get the same Profit difference...

  11. Leelanand Kumar
    Leelanand Kumar :
    9 years ago

    i think i follow the conventional method to solve this question. if any body can do it in a short cut method please let post here.

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