31. A question paper consists of three sections 4,5 and 6 questions respectively. Attempting one question from each section is compulsory but a candidate need not attempt all the questions. In how many ways can a candidate attempt the questions?
32. In how many ways a President, VP and Water-boy can be selected from a group of 10 people.
33. In a hockey championship, there are 153 matches played. Every two team played one match with each other. The number of teams participating in the championship is:
34. A box contains 10 balls out of which 3 are red and rest are blue. In how many ways can a random sample of 6 balls be drawn from the bag so that at the most 2 red balls are included in the sample and no sample has all the 6 balls of the same colour?
35. Out of eight crew members three particular members can sit only on the left side. Another two particular members can sit only on the right side. Find the number of ways in which the crew can be arranged so that four men can sit on each side.
36. A man positioned at the origin of the coordinate system. the man can take steps of unit measure in the direction North, East, West or South. Find the number of ways of he can reach the point (5,6), covering the shortest possible distance.
37. There are 6 equally spaced points A, B, C, D, E and F marked on a circle with radius R. How many convex pentagons of distinctly different areas can be drawn using these points as vertices?
38. In an examination paper, there are two groups each containing 4 questions. A candidate is required to attempt 5 questions but not more than 3 questions from any group. In how many ways can 5 questions be selected?
39. After every get-together every person present shakes the hand of every other person. If there were 105 handshakes in all, how many persons were present in the party?
40. How many diagonals can be drawn in a pentagon?
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