41. $$1 + \frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{4} + \frac{1}{7} + \frac{1}{{14}} + \frac{1}{{28}}$$ is equal to = ?
42. If $$\frac{1}{3} + \frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{x}{\text{ = 4,}}$$ then x = ?
43. The value of $$\frac{{\sqrt {80} - \sqrt {112} }}{{\sqrt {45} - \sqrt {63} }} = ?$$
44. If the sum of two numbers is 22 and the sum of their squares is 404, then the product of two numbers is = ?
45. Simplify : $${\text{8}}\frac{1}{2} - \left[ {3\frac{1}{4} + \left\{ {1\frac{1}{4} - \frac{1}{2}\left( {1\frac{1}{2} - \frac{1}{3} - \frac{1}{6}} \right)} \right\}} \right]$$
46. The value of $$\frac{{25 - 5\left[ {2 + 3\left\{ {2 - 2\left( {5 - 3} \right) + 5} \right\} - 10} \right]}}{4} = ?$$
47. $$\frac{3}{7}\,{\text{of}}\,455 + \frac{5}{8}\,{\text{of}}\,456 = ?$$
48. $$6\frac{5}{6} \times 5\frac{1}{3} \times 17\frac{2}{3} \times 4\frac{1}{2} = ?$$
49. $$4\frac{4}{5} \div 6\frac{2}{5} = ?$$
50. $${\text{If }}x = \frac{1}{{2 + \frac{1}{2}}}{\text{ then }}\frac{1}{x} = ?$$
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