The digit in the unit's place in the square root of 15876 is = ?

Which of the following is closest to $$\sqrt 3 = \,?$$

What percentage of the numbers from 1 to 50 have squares that end in the digit 1 ?

While solving a mathematical problem, Samidha squared a number and then subtracted 25 from it rather than the required i.e., first subtracting 25 from the number and then squaring it. But she got the right answer. What was the given number ?

How many perfect squares lie between 120 and 300 ?

The number of perfect square numbers between 50 and 1000 is = ?

A man born in the first half of the nineteenth century was x years old in the year x2. He was born in ?

R is a positive number. It is multiplied by 8 and then squared. The square is now divided by 4 and the square root is taken. The result of the square root is Q. What is the value of Q ?

The smallest natural number which is a perfect square and which ends in 3 identical digits lies between ?

If the product of four consecutive natural numbers increased by a natural number p, is a perfect square, then the value of p is = ?

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