As per Aristotle's distinction between various sciences, the pure and abstract knowledge is dealt by
A. theoretical sciences such as politics and ethics
B. practical sciences such as theology and metaphysics
C. theoretical sciences such as mathematics and physics
D. practical sciences such as politics and ethics
Answer: Option C
Solution(By Examveda Team)
Aristotle divided sciences into three types based on their purpose and the kind of knowledge they provide.Theoretical sciences aim to understand the world as it is, seeking pure and abstract knowledge. They focus on discovering truths and principles, without necessarily aiming for practical application.
Practical sciences, on the other hand, deal with how we should act and live. They are concerned with achieving good actions and a virtuous life.
Productive sciences are focused on creation or making things, like art or crafts.
Considering this, mathematics and physics are prime examples of theoretical sciences, seeking abstract truths about numbers, shapes, and the natural world, without immediate practical goals. Therefore, the correct answer is that pure and abstract knowledge is dealt with by theoretical sciences such as mathematics and physics.
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