
Asymmetrical male genitalia is present which insect order?

A. Grylloblatodea

B. Embioptera

C. Zoraptera

D. All of these

Answer: Option D

Solution(By Examveda Team)

Asymmetrical male genitalia is present Grylloblatodea, Embioptera and Zoraptera insect order.
In insects, on the other hand, genital asymmetry is a widespread phenomenon. An aedeagus is a reproductive organ of male arthropods through which they secrete sperm from the testes during copulation with a female.
In some insects the endophallus and the gonopore may be everted through the phallotreme and into the female's bursa copulatrix. Genital lobes referred to as phallomeres form at the sides of the gonopore in the ontogeny of some insects.

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