A humanized antibody is one in which the

Match the autoimmune diseases in Group I with the corresponding primarily affected organ in Group II.
Group I Group II
P. Hashimoto's disease 1. Brain
Q. Juvenile diabetes 2. Pancreas
R. Multiple sclerosis 3. Skeletal muscle
S. Myasthenia gravis 4. Thyroid

Which one of the following statements is true with regard to processing and presentation of protein antigens?

Which of the following cytokines are endogenous pyrogens?
P. Tumor necrosis factor α
Q. Interleukin 1
R. Transforming growth factor β
S. Interleukin 10

Which of the following conditions promote the development of human autoimmune disorders?
P. Inability to eliminate self-reactive lymphocytes
Q. Generation of auto-antibodies
R. Ability to eliminate self-reactive T cells
S. Induction of regulatory T cells in the thymus

A neonatally thymectomized mouse, immunized with protein antigen shows