
Camber is

A. Positive

B. Negative

C. Both A and B

D. Always zero

Answer: Option C

Solution(By Examveda Team)

Camber refers to the angle of the wheels when viewed from the front of the vehicle. It can be either positive or negative, and both options have their own characteristics and applications:

Positive Camber: When the tops of the wheels tilt outward, away from the vehicle, it's called positive camber. This configuration is often seen in vehicles designed for better stability during cornering, as it helps the tires maintain better contact with the road when the vehicle leans into turns.
Negative Camber: When the tops of the wheels tilt inward, towards the vehicle, it's called negative camber. This setup is commonly used in performance-oriented vehicles to improve grip during high-speed turns, as it maximizes the tire's contact patch with the road.

Therefore, the correct option is Option C: Both A and B, as camber can be either positive or negative based on the specific requirements of the vehicle's performance and handling characteristics.

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  1. Nikhileswar “sham”
    Nikhileswar “sham” :
    9 months ago

    Optin C ANSWER

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