
Center of gravity of a thin hollow cone lies on the axis at a height of

A. One-fourth of the total height above base

B. One-third of the total height above base

C. One-half of the total height above base

D. Three-eighth of the total height above the base

Answer: Option B

This Question Belongs to Mechanical Engineering >> Engineering Mechanics

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Comments ( 3 )

    SRI KANT :
    3 years ago

    In a simple lifting machine, a load of 1400 N is lifted by 50 N effort. While load moves up by 0.2 m, the point of application of effort moves by 6 m. Find V.R. *

  2. Tanmay Barman
    Tanmay Barman :
    4 years ago

    it will be one fourth of its total height

  3. Ujwala Psu
    Ujwala Psu :
    5 years ago

    How?? Derivation plz

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