31. Carbon bricks are not used in the lining of the
32. Permeability of bricks is a measure of the
33. Ceramic recuperators used for waste heat recovery from high temperature flue gas going out of the furnace is made of
34. Cold crushing strength of refractories depends upon its
35. Addition of zircon to silica refractory brick improves its
36. Hollow refractory bricks are made by
37. Which property of refractories is the most important for top section of the blast furnace?
38. Silica bricks are attacked by basic slags at high temperature. Which of the following is not used solely as a binding material?
39. Which of the following is not an acidic refractory?
40. Refractoriness of a typical silica brick corresponds to Segar cone number, '32', which is equivalent to a temperature of __________ °C.
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