41. Pyrometric cone equivalent (PCE) value (Segar cone) of 'superduty refractories' is more than 33 which corresponds to a temperature of __________ °C.
42. Spalling of silica bricks occurs due to abrupt volume changes, when it is cooled below a temperature of __________ °C.
43. Spalling of silica bricks occurs due to abrupt volume changes, when it is cooled below a temperature of __________ °C.
44. PCE value (Segar cone) of superduty refractories is more than 33, which is equivalent to a temperature of __________ °C.
45. Magnesite bricks have poor resistance to attack by __________ slag.
46. __________ bricks should not be used in oxidising atmosphere.
47. __________ bricks are used in the burning zone of a cement rotary kiln.
48. High thermal conductivity of a refractory material is not important, when it is to be used in the
49. Thermal diffusivity of a refractory brick is high, when its __________ is high.
50. Upper portion of hot metal mixer are lined with mullite bricks, which helps in resisting the
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