61. An ideal refractory should have high
62. Which is the stable form of silica between 1470°C and the melting point 1713°C ?
63. Furnace atmosphere for softening temperature determination of refractories (in which segar cones are placed) should be
64. Porosity of silica bricks varies from __________ percent.
65. Maximum alumina content in high alumina refractory can be as high as __________ percent.
66. Maximum water percentage in refractory mix meant for hand moulding may be as high as __________ percent.
67. Pure bauxite is the best raw material for the manufacture of high alumina refractories, in which maximum alumina content can be as high as __________ percent.
68. Maximum shrinkage in volume occurring during burning/firing of dried refractories may be as high as __________ percent.
69. Periclase refractory contains mainly
70. In panel test for spalling resistance, the average face temperature of panel assembly is maintained at __________ °C for 24 hours.
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