
Coulomb friction is the friction between

A. Bodies having relative motion

B. Two dry surfaces

C. Two lubricated surfaces

D. Solids and liquids

Answer: Option B

Solution(By Examveda Team)

Coulomb friction, also known as dry friction, is the friction that occurs between two dry surfaces in contact with each other. It is called "dry" friction because it applies to surfaces without any lubrication or liquid film between them.

Therefore, the correct answer is Option B: Two dry surfaces. This option accurately describes the type of surfaces between which Coulomb friction occurs. Coulomb friction is a fundamental concept in engineering mechanics and is commonly encountered in various mechanical systems and applications.

Options A, C, and D do not correctly describe the nature of Coulomb friction.

This Question Belongs to Mechanical Engineering >> Engineering Mechanics

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Comments ( 4 )

  1. Shaikh Salman
    Shaikh Salman :
    7 months ago

    B right answer

    3 years ago

    it is the friction between two dry surfaces. the answer given is incorrect.

  3. Sarveshwer Chandra
    Sarveshwer Chandra :
    4 years ago

    Two dry surfaces

  4. Ravi SHANKAR
    Ravi SHANKAR :
    4 years ago

    Answer is B

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