Directions (1 - 5): Based on the data given on the pie-chart. Solve the questions which follow :

Percentage Sales of different models of Computers in Kolkata in two different years . Given total sales in 1998 is 7890 and increase 16.5% in 1999.

Direction image of Pie Chart chapter
Direction image of Pie Chart chapter

The percentage change in the sales of Toshiba in 1999 is approximately :

Which brand of computers among those shown, exhibited the second highest rate of growth in two years and had less sales in 1999 than 1998?

What is the ratio between the Compaq sales in 1998 and those IBM in 1999?

For which brand of computers, did the sales increase the maximum in terms of absolute value between the two years?

IBM's sales in 1998 is what percentage of the sales of Samsung in 1999?