Directions (1 - 5): Refer to the pie-chart and the table carefully and answer the given question.
Distribution of total number of cellular phones (both Nokia and Samsung) sold by six stores in October.
Direction image of Pie Chart chapter
Ratio of the number of Nokia cellular phones sold to that of Samsung cellular phone sold.
Store Ratio
P 4 : 3
Q 3 : 1
R 5 : 4
S 7 : 6
T 1 : 4
U 11 : 10

What is the central angles corresponding to the total number of cellular phones (both Nokia and Samsung) sold by store S?

What is the average of Nokia cellular phones sold by store P, R, S and T together?

What is the ratio of the number of Nokia cellular phones sold by store S to the Samsung cellular phones sold by store T and U together?

The number of Nokia cellular phones sold by store R is what percent more than that of Samsung cellular phones sold by store P and Q together?

The total number of cellular phones (both Nokia and Samsung) sold by store Q increased by 15% from October to November and the same of cellular phones sold by store T increased by 5% from October to November. What was the total number of cellular phones sold by store Q and T together in November?