81. Two multimeters A and B have sensitivities of $$\frac{{10{\text{k}}\Omega }}{{\text{V}}}$$ and $$\frac{{30{\text{k}}\Omega }}{{\text{V}}}$$ respectively. Then ___________.
82. A transducer that converts measurand into the form of pulse is called
83. Certain type of materials generates an electrostatic charge or voltage when mechanical force is applied across them. Such materials are called
84. A galvanometer of resistance G is shunted by a very small resistance S. The resistance of the resulting ammeter is ___________.
85. The resistance of an ideal voltmeter is ___________
86. Power gain in decibels is equal to voltage gain in decibels only when
87. In phase response of a recorder noise level ___________ with the band width of a system
88. Duration of rotation of pen in the PMMC system depends upon ___________.
89. Pressure transducer for measuring blood pressure is
90. For display of signal pattern ___________ voltage is applied to the horizontal plates of a CRO
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