51. For intermittent work which of the following furnaces is suitable? A. Indirect arc furnace B. Core less furnace C. Either of the above D. None of the above Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer & Solution Answer: Option A No explanation is given for this question Let's Discuss on Board
52. Due to which of the following reasons it is desirable to have short arc length? A. To achieve better heating B. To increase the life of roof refractory C. To have better stirring action D. All of the above Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer & Solution Answer: Option D No explanation is given for this question Let's Discuss on Board
53. In direct arc furnace, which of the following has high value? A. Current B. Voltage C. Power factor D. All of the above Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer & Solution Answer: Option A No explanation is given for this question Let's Discuss on Board